I recently found myself subject to what I can only describe as an old school b*llocking ?. The kind that you’d get from your Headmaster at school ? . Patronising, overbearing and whilst based on a fair point of argument, it felt a bit like a sledgehammer cracking a nut
It was atypical of the old fashioned “Client vs Supplier” relationship 20 years ago which you accepted because you were young and inexperienced. A case of “opposition” NOT “collaboration”
It got me thinking
Should I be treated any differently because I am a business owner?
So, to the questions
– Has the business world gone a little soft, and, is getting an earful still totally acceptable?
– Is age, profile and experience actually irrelevant and we should treat everybody with greater levels of respect and kindness?
– Or, is there a need for greater levels of EQ and leadership training in order to manage the delivery of the same bad news better?