News & Events

It’s that time of year again…


The days are getting lighter and the weather is beyond erratic. That can only mean one thing… It’s March and another financial year is drawing to a close. An opportune time then to reflect on the year that was.

Thank you 2018/9, you were very good to us. It was another record year for us and we continued to grow the team with a couple of really strong hires (welcome John H. and Chris!). They have broadened our offering, strengthening our Finance team and opening up a new market for us (Insurance). Most importantly, they’ve settled in very well to the Carnegie family.

There is a huge amount of uncertainty and disruption in the news at the moment but we didn’t feel that in the markets. We benefit from a diverse and broad client base which provides some insulation. But mostly we’ve just been getting a ‘business as usual’ feel from the industry, with clients pressing on as normal. I’m sure this may be different in other markets but we don’t recruit in those, so can’t speak to them. All we can say is that the outlook in the industries we do recruit for remains positive and we certainly hope that continues for the foreseeable future!

On with the rest of 2019 and bring on the Summer!